Sunday, 27 September 2009


Hi there! This is an outline for I book I wrote a few years ago, aimed at kids. Although envisioned as a picture book, I lack the artistic skills, so the sketches are rudimentary to say the least. 

Take a look and see what you think - just scroll down for the next page, and click on Older Posts  to continue. I hope you enjoy what you read, and please feel free to leave any comments you might have. Thanks for reading!

Front Cover

IFC & Page 1

The story you’re about to read

Is not for little ones;

It’s full of fights and biting

And really awful puns.  


Pages 2 & 3

Trevor was a little boy

Who came to stay one day.

He brought along a chocolate cake

And a balloon for him to play.

Pages 4 & 5

But something really scared him

So he lost his big balloon

What was it made him drop his cake?

We’re going to find out soon!

Pages 6 & 7


Some cats like to lick and purr

And some sleep on you lap.

But this one only fights and bites:


The Fighty Bitey Cat!  

Pages 8 & 9

“Come along,” said Auntie Sal,

“I’m sure you’ll both be friends.”

But is this the sort of cat

Who wants to make amends?