Monday, 6 July 2009

Character Assassination - Part One

A great illustration by Astrid Haupt, one of The Unknown Artist team.

Welcome. If that should be 'Welcome back,' you've read my first-ever post in my first-ever blog, and you'll know that I have an idea for a book about a scary cat. I've got the story and written the words and have some quite strong ideas about the pictures. But I can't draw or design, so I'm looking for someone to do all the really hard work for me.

That's a pretty back-handed way of asking you if you'd be interested in getting onboard and trying to help me complete the book.

Over the next few weeks I'll be posting my ideas, and at the end of the whole sorry process, anyone still awake should have a strong idea of what I'm trying to achieve - a children's book with a twist of horror.

As its title suggests, in this post I'm going to be taking a look at the one of the main characters in the story. There are three of them.

The Fighty Bitey Cat (FBC) itself - I've never considered its gender, and it really doesn't seem too important - although I'm prepared to be corrected on this. Second , there's Trevor, a young, previously sunny-natured and almost defenceless boy (modeled a little on some memories I have of my younger brother from about 35 years ago - sorry, bro'), and Aunty Sal, who shares a name and little else with my wife (sorry, darling). But let's start off with the star of the show.


Malicious, scheming and wicked - and that's only its good side - The FBC is a biting, scratching, ripping and thoroughly malevolent force of nature. It's also a terrible bully, as it spends most of the book making life a misery for Trevor. Like many real life cats the FBC incredible agility, speed and strength. Unlike most cats I've known it also appears to be highly intelligent. It also takes real and obvious delight in causing the emotional and physical damage it does.
Getting it to look right on the page is one hell of a task. The sketch at the top of this post was done by my friend Astrid Haupt, which although it shows the FBC at giant size (the FCB is life size in 'reality') it really gives an idea of menace, I think, whilst being quite funny, too. Maybe you agree.

Obviously, the web is full of frightening, sinister looking moggies, and here's a selection of some of my favourites, which convey the right sort of evil personality.

But why limit ourselves to real cats - or cats at all? There's a whole world of creatures out there that combine frightening and feline. Some have the right look and feel for the Fighty Bitey cat, whilst others illustrate some of its behavior.

Let's take a look.

First up we have the Alien from the movie franchise of the same name. Like The Terminator, the Alien is ruthless and utterly unstoppable. Well, until Ellen Ripley blasts its out into space, nukes it from orbit, blasts it into space again, chucks it into a furnace, etc, etc.

Give us a hug! The rampaging 'raptor from Jurassic Park was smart and scary. It's only short-coming is it didn't get Sam Neil, who managed to disguise himself as an inert piece of wood throughout much of the movie - and his subsequent career.

Undead, undead, undead - probably the greatest vampire of them all - it's Max Schrek as Nosferatu - or was it Nosferatu as Max Schrek? Anyone who's seen Shadow Of The Vampire will get what I'm on about.

We could add Batman to the list, but I'm a coward when it comes to crossing DC Comics' lawyers - probably more scary of all the creatures pictured above. Well, time's flown by like a pteradactyl in a flesh frenzy, so its time to close. Next post - more characters. Thanks for reading!


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