Saturday 15 August 2009

Little Terror In The Backseat

Then he ran to daddy’s car

To make his getaway

But someone in the back seat

Was going to make him pay.

The FBC is sneaking up on Trevor, who is sitting in the front seat of his dad’s car - as you can see. Hopefully.

There's a rich seam of horror lurking in the bad seat, not least (I'm told) when your teenage kids start dating. Or if you're Travis Bickle,  it's even worse, as he explains in no uncertain terms: "Each night when I return the cab to the garage, I have to clean the *** off the back seat. Some nights, I clean off the blood." No wonder he want's a real rain to wash the streets clean.

Joking apart, there's a whole load of "he's behind you" moments in horror flicks. The one that actually made me scream out load in the cinema was actually a "she's sitting next to you" moment, in The Descent.

As an added bonus, here's an alternative sketch Alex came up with, to try and illustrate the full terror of the FBC sneaking up on the hapless infant: 

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